u.k.a.r.a. is a similar system that allows retailers to sell airsoft replica weapons to players.
This system is not dissimilar other than the fact it is a national data base that has had issues.
Lots of airsoft sites subscribe to this system basically as they don’t or can’t develop their own system of defence, some sites however charge members for membership and also they charge to be put onto the u.k.a.r.a database.
Some sites subscribe to this organisation, where as S.W.A.T. has a system that is both independent and in house which allows us to offer security of information of our players.
The myth of you need to have U.K.A.R.A. is just that, you DO NOT NEED UKARA.
There is no such thing as an airsoft license or even a u.k.a.r.a license.
All a player needs is proof that he/she is a member of an airsoft venue that carries insurance cover and can be proven through due diligence, which is a record of membership, identification and attendance.